Go see Frozen! (it’s like…beyond…cool…and cold…and icy)

(Note: There are no spoilers in this post.)

Well, I was going to do a full up movie critique, but it is getting way longer than I anticipated and I want to get to a Christmas post or two. Soooooo…for now I’ll just do a quick movie promo.

Frozen is the next Disney princess musical venture after Tangled. It has nine songs. Nine! It’s entirely clean. There is one scene that might be a little scary for young kids (I have yet to attend with anyone super super young…though the little kids in front of me in one showing didn’t seem to be having a problem). It is a brief scene where they get chased by a big snow monster. If your kids do happen to get scared by this, stick around for the scene after the credits to perhaps undo their fears. (Also, the disclaimer towards the end of the end credits is rather humorous.)

So, did I like it? Uh……………………………………………………………………………………..yes. 😀 Yes! YES! Backstory. I am a huge Tangled fan. I saw Tangled four times in theatres, bought the DVD the day it came out, watched it every day for like a week after that and many times since, and memorized just about all the songs. I even have the Tangled Wii game (which I have played all the way through, despite it being targeted at girls under the age of 6). So, when I say that part way through my first viewing of Frozen I had the sudden thought “Tangled is being dethroned”, perhaps you can begin to imagine how much I liked this movie. Now, on further reflection, I like Tangled and Frozen for very different reasons. And I am still a big Tangled fan.

I need to watch Tangled again now for a more apples to apples comparison. Hopefully, I will do so a couple times before I finish the Frozen review. It’s been like two months since I watched Tangled last (gasp!). I believe Tangled is funnier and possibly more creative. Frozen, on the other hand, is deeper. Much deeper. The advertisements/trailers for Frozen do not even scratch the surface of what this movie is truly about. If you watched the trailer, and said “No thanks”, you’re not alone. Honestly, if I hadn’t liked Tangled so much, I probably would have not bothered seeing this movie. I went into the theatre thinking “Tangled rip-off with perhaps a good song or two”. Olaf (the snowman) is super annoying in the trailers, and it looked like nothing more than a flat, cliche romance romp through the snow. Turns out, Olaf is not nearly so irritating in the movie itself. And as to the romance in the snow? It’s not really what the movie is about at all. Again, it’s something deeper than romance. Deeper than humor. Deeper than snow.

Review to follow at some point (and it WILL have spoilers). So go see it now! Take a friend. I’ve seen it with young and old, male and female. I have yet to have anyone not like it. You will not regret it. It really is THE family movie for the holiday season.

This entry was posted in Movies.

6 comments on “Go see Frozen! (it’s like…beyond…cool…and cold…and icy)

  1. Clarissa says:

    This cements my desire to take the boys! There’s an ice festival in Brugges that we are going to try to go to the week after Christmas; all of the sculptures are based on the movie. 🙂 I’m hoping to get the boys to the theater before we go. Have a peaceful and happy Christmas, David.

  2. Clarissa says:

    We really liked the movie! Our schedule ended up preventing us from seeing the ice festival, unfortunately — I was kind of bummed about that. Regardless, the boys did great in the movie theater, and of course I particularly liked that it was selfless love that was the key. 🙂 I hope your holidays were filled with peace and joy.

  3. Clarissa says:

    David – we finally made it out to the ice festival! I posted a few pics here: http://fingerpuppet.wordpress.com/2014/01/06/day-trip-to-brugge/ . Unfortunately, my battery died, and I forgot to grab my extra battery, so they are mostly phone pics. It was really impressive! The carvings were all larger than life, and very detailed. 🙂

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